Wimmera Healthcare Group
Horsham Campus:
83 Baillie St Horsham 3400
Ph: 03 5381 9111
Dimboola Campus:
32-36 Anderson Street
Dimboola Vic 3414
Phone 03 5389 1301
West Wimmera Health Service
Nhill Hospital
Nelson Street Nhill VIC 3418
Ph: 03 5391 4222
Murtoa Medical Centre:
28 Marma St Murtoa 3390
Ph: 03 5363 0400
Minyip Community Health Centre:
23-25 Church St Minyip 3392
Ph: 03 5363 1200
Rupanyup Nursing Home:
89 Cromie St Rupanyup 3388
We work in association with the following local agencies:
Uniting Wimmera
185 Baillie St Horsham 3400
Ph: 03 5362 4000
St Vincent de Paul Society
7-9 David St Horsham 3400
Ph: 03 5382 4003
The Salvation Army
Cnr Kalkee Rd & Lynott St Horsham 3400
Ph: 03 5382 1770
Grampians Community Health
25 David St Horsham 3400
Ph: 03 5362 1200
Rural Northwest Health
C/- Warracknabeal Hospital
18 Dimboola Road Warracknabeal, 3393.
Ph: 03 5396 1200
Warracknabeal Neighbourhood House
2 Cox St Warracknabeal 3393
Ph: 03 5396 1360 or 5396 1361

Yarriambiack Shire Council
34 Lyle St, Warracknabeal 3393
Ph: 03 5398 0100
West Wimmera Shire Council
49 Elizabeth St Edenhope 3318
Ph: 03 5385 9950
Centrelink Horsham
Cnr Darlot & Mclachlan Sts Horsham 3400
Ph: 132 468
Horsham Rural City Council
Civic Centre,Roberts Ave Horsham
Ph: 03 5382 9777